Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Firing General Purpose Ammunition - Leg Unit to Leg Unit


I've been working on assigning targets and firing AP (armour piercing) and GP (general purpose) fire ammunition types. There are a lot of details to consider and the code is getting much more complicated. Let's setup a simple scenario for testing purposes.

We'll consider a single Soviet leg unit and a single German leg unit for our test. Here we have an elite Soviet Rifle Squad. We've kept it simple and not included any attached weapons for now. The only weapon that this unit has is it's intrinsic GP (General Purpose) weapon, listed on it's unit card below.

The Soviet S-8A Rifle Squad just outside the village of Stravrhevoy.

Let's have this unit perform its initial "Spotting" phase. As you can see below, The Soviet unit has spotted a veteran German Rifle unit approaching from the east. The range to the German unit is 5 hexes, or "M" (medium) range.

A German Rifle Squad is spotted in the clear.

You can easily identify which gunnery range factor applies in this case, as it is highlighted in orange in the Soviet unit card. With its intrinsic weapon at medium range (4, 5 or 6 hexes in away), the Soviet unit has a GP factor of 5.

Gunnery Range and GP factors.

If the German unit was 3 hexes away, it would be within "S" (short range) and have a GP factor of "6". If it were 10 hexes away, it would be at "E" (extended) range. Obviously (in most cases), the closer the enemy unit is, the higher the GP factor. High GP factors serve us well when it comes to combat.

We see that the German unit's "Defensive Information" highlights the "GPD" (general purpose defense) and indicates a value of "2S". If this unit were in "Heavy Cover", it would receive a GPD of "8S". The higher the GPD, the better off the unit will be defensively when it comes to GP (general purpose) combat.

The German Rifle Squad is in the open with no cover.

Now we'll assign a "Fire" command during the "Command" phase, then select the German Squad as a target in the "Direct Fire" phase. The Soviet unit is designated a Fire command counter and the spot line to the German unit indicates that the German Squad is the target.

The Soviet Squad is ready to fire.

Now it's time for combat. Once our target has been locked in, we can execute our Fire command...

The "Battle Box".

The "Battle Box" is where our Fire command combat begins and ends. On the left, we have our shooter. On the right, our target. The "GP Direct Fire Data" area (far right) displays the necessary initial information we need to calculate our combat results. In this case, we are executing a GP Fire command against a leg unit and therefore need the shooter's GP Factor, as well as the target's GP Defense Factor...

Getting there!

We can also identify the possible outcomes by looking at the "Result Ranges" for our GP Combat dice roll...

What will we roll?

These ranges are determined by using GP Factors, in this case "5" and "2" and cross referencing them on the "GP Combat Results" table...

The GP Combat results table.

Looking across the top of the large table above, we locate the shooter's GP Factor of "5". We cross reference this with the target's GP defense factor of "2" down the left of the same table. There are 2 rows for each GP Defense Factor. The first is the "N" (no effect) row, which in this case is 39. The second row is the "S" (suppression) row and in this case is 68.

If we roll 39 or less, the combat result is "N" (No Effect).

If we roll between 40 and 68, the combat result is "S" (Suppression).

If we roll 69 or more, the combat result is (Effective).

Of course, it's not as simple as this. We haven't taken into effect any of the GP Combat Modifiers listed in the table...

GP Modifiers affect your roll.

 GP modifiers in effect are highlighted in orange and are cumulative. We can see that in this case our shooter is an elite unit and gets a bonus of "10" added to our GP Combat roll. Modifiers can also reduce our roll, so we need to make sound tactical decisions to maximize our outcomes. The GP combat modifier total is calculated and displayed under the dice roll area...

Let's roll.

Clicking the "Roll" button, we get a value of "70"...

An effective result after our modified roll. That's what we're looking for.

Our roll is modified by a +10. Our modified roll is therefore 80. If we look at the orange highlighted values, we see that we needed a 69 or greater to achieve an effective result.

After closing the window, our Battle Box is updated with the results...

Reduced to a Half-Squad.

The damage to the unit is indicated in the "GP Combat Result" area. Because of the effective result, the German Rifle Squad is reduced to a Half-Squad. The unit's counter is updated to reflect this fact and now displays the Half-Squad image. The "Bailout" area does not apply in this case and is disabled.

Closing the Battle Box, we can see that the German Unit's data card reflects the fact that this unit is no a Half-Squad, and displays the appropriate Half-Squad values for it's weapon. Note the new "Gunnery Ranges"...

The gunnery range values are reduced for Half-Squads.

Next time we'll take a look at a leg unit vs a combat vehicle. Maybe we'll add the Bazooka to give the leg unit a fighting chance.

Thanks for visiting and leave any comments below :)


Delta07D said...

Looking good!

8traxx said...

Glad you are enjoying my progress.